Our Mission, Vision, and Statement of Purpose

Our Mission

To create a delightfully different healthcare experience for children and their families.


Our Vision

  • To be the leader in providing the best quality pediatric care
  • To have the most engaging providers and care team for our patients
  • To set the standard for excellent medical teaching
  • To always heal and never do harm
  • To treat everyone with dignity and respect
  • To create a memorable and truly special experience for all
  • To consistently deliver excellent and efficient care
  • To unleash the power of creativity and humor in the healing process
  • To effectively reach the underserved communities around us
  • To promote a message of healthy living that improves our community and beyond
  • To elevate people’s expectations of what healthcare can truly be
  • To inspire the next generation to thrive


Statement of Purpose

At Mission Pediatrics, we aim to provide high-quality, whole-person pediatric care with emphasis on excellence and compassion.  We seek to promote healthy living, to bring healing with gentle humor and to provide a peaceful and creative office experience. We want to ensure access to the most vulnerable patients and communities. We seek real results wherein patients are actually measurably improving in their health.  And we believe that our doctors, providers and patient care team must be as satisfied with their experience as their patients.

Concepts, Pillars and Principles

We build our business on four concepts and four pillars.  The concepts begin with our approach to ensure safety above all else.  This is closely followed by an attitude of courtesy coupled with a unique and wonderful medical experience.  We complete the circle with efficient and streamlined practice.  We accomplish this with the support of four pillars:  Clarity of Vision, Constant Communication, Caring in Action and Unity in Purpose.